Tuesday, March 16, 2010


In general, when I think about myself, I think of a candle. In fact, to make this metaphor easier lets just say all people are candles. Looking up from above, we would be a reflection of the night sky on water. Some of us are brighter, some of us are not as bright but still visible.

You aren't forever stuck in one intensity of light. You flicker, like a candle, sometimes it is dull while sometimes the flame is massive. Wind comes and you've got to do something to protect it. Sometimes, you may look at your candle and see the black wick with a orange spark lingering on the tip. If you blow gently, it may relight.

I have a few flaws with this analogy. One of which is I've never imagined mine or anyone else's flame going out, it's always there. Sometimes, the wax gets precariously low, but then the next day the candle looks brand new. The candles are never consistent and I would like to venture forth and say, in general, life is consistent.

Also, I never factored in that someone else can help light your candle for you.

This is the way I am always picturing people and the stress levels in my life. When times get tough, I see myself crouched beneath a tea leaf as wind gushes around me and my hand is cupped around the flame and rain is pouring.

I started thinking like this when my counselor told me I would burn out as a freshmen. It made me sad as I had never heard such terminology. All I could think about was wax dripping.

But anyway, that was more or less a tangent.

I think it takes more than yourself to protect your flame. You need friends to help you! Also, flames do go out. That's okay though because when you walk in the darkness, it is never pitch black because the light from the other stars are always shining.

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