Okay, so here I am: Reading about God.
From MOST Christian literature I have noticed that many insist that God has planned out my life. He sat down and said, here is Anne. She will be born to these parents in this country and meet these people. Honestly, I find that kind of sad. So, does that mean my hard work was predetermined? That horrible people were predetermined. I definitely either am too ignorant to understand or simply do not believe.
Here's the thing - we have free will.
This I am sure of. No, I don't mean we get to choose what we eat for dinner or what color to paint your nails. That's decision making but it is not what free will is. Free will, to me, is deciding when to work and how hard and where to go and for how long. I honestly probably cannot explain it in its full depth until something takes it away from me since it is in so many aspects in our life. That's what I think the exciting part of life is. Would God plan our every aspect and know we would be lead astray?
You decide and that's why God loves you so much. You decided to let him into your life.
What's the point of living if everything was planned out.
Rick Warren might disagree with me but my life experience has taught me not to trust everything I have read. Not to disrespect The Purpose Driven Life, but literature, be it the Bible or books to increase faith are not meant to be followed word for word - and again, I would have people disagree with me. It is an inspiration.
1 Peter 3:1-3
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
This says that women should not wear gold or make themselves look attractive.
Perhaps, instead of not wearing gold it is merely a reminder to tone down the vanity.
All these complicated translations make me weary but it all comes back to God, is my understanding. Are you living to improve your relationship with him?
The argument could be that you can have premarital sex if you don't think that will affect your relationship with Him. Personally, I find it hard to believe that God would send sinners to Hell for things like that.
But of course, I don't know and don't think adultery would improve any religious life I may have so thus, I don't do it but it is not my place to judge those that do.
Get it?
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